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The consultation

The public consultation program for the ITI/SUD of the Municipality of Piraeus is a constituent element of the governance methodology that governs it. Therefore, the public consultation mechanisms and procedures are part of the wider governance system of ITI/SUD Piraeus. The very same governance of the ITI/SUD of the Municipality of Piraeus is governed by the principles of participation, representativeness of Partners, universality, transparency, commitment and evaluation of interventions.


The Action Plan of the ongoing ITI/SUD includes the consultation and participation of the local community as an essential element of it. The success of the Action Plan depends on the degree of inclusion of the opinions and proposals of citizens and agencies, so that the interventions and actions are harmonized with the real needs and conditions, have an effective effect on them and bring about the best possible result.

Therefore, consultation - that is, the democratic process of participation of local societies, with aim the maximum possible consensus on proposed actions and projects - must be developed to the maximum extent of local institutions, agencies and social groups. Consultation actions are addressed to local commercial and professional associations and organizations, scientific associations and bodies, local workers and employers organizations, parents associations, sports and cultural associations and bodies, voluntary organizations and citizen movements, other organizations and civil society bodies, the representatives of local youth councils and in general to the citizens who live, work, operate and visit Piraeus.

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Contribute to the planning of the Actions of the New Continuous ITI/SUD 2021-2027. Send us your ideas and suggestions


Contribute to the planning of the Actions of the New Continuous ITI/SUD 2021-2027. Send us your ideas and suggestions

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